Tue, 10/17/2023 - 4:42 AM

North Ave, Syracuse, Ny

Event Location




Some info that might help the investigating officers on this matter. There has been an ongoing dispute between two residents at 204 Village Drive and two males with one driving an out of state vehicle. It began on 10/8 with one male attempting to kick in the doors to get in the building. An ensuing screaming match broke out that lasted an hour. On 10/14 and 10/15 the vehicle showed up again. More screaming on 10/14. 10/15 saw a woman and man emerge from 204 building and walked to Shop City while two males followed them. They screamed all the way to the shopping center back and forth. At 4:30 AM on 10/17, screaming between two males and one female broke out in the parking lot of 204 Village Drive next to the building. One male could be heard screaming "Give me my f'ing coat. Give me my f'ing phone." Just moments later you could hear two vehicles squealing out of the parking lot. Less than 15 seconds later you could hear roughly a dozen gunshots occurring near or around the front entrance of Grant Village at Edtim Road.

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